Past Events



Chanel Miller

Chanel Miller

Keynote Speaker

Patrisse Cullors

Patrisse Cullors

Keynote Speaker

Victoria Garcia

Victoria Garcia


Régine Jean Charles

Régine Jean Charles


Ejuma Adoga

Ejuma Adoga

Liz Creamer:

Liz Creamer

Makayla Davis

Makayla Davis

Katie Diasti

Katie Diasti

Maithri Harve

Maithri Harve

Joia Mukherjee

Joia Mukherjee

Amaka Nnaeto

Amaka Nnaeto

Helene Norton-Russell

Helene Norton-Russell

Marissa Papula

Marissa Papula

Allison Thunstrom

Allison Thunstrom

Symone Varnado

Symone Varnado


Saturday, February 5, 2021


10:00–10:50 a.m.

welcome and morning keynote

Women's Summit Planning Team & Chanel Miller

11:00–11:40 a.m. 

workshop 1


11:40–11:50 a.m. 

movement break


11:50 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Workshop 2


12:30–1:00 p.m.

Lunch break


1:00–1:45 p.m.

afternoon keynote address

Patrisse Cullors & r琴·查尔斯教授 

1:45–2:00 p.m.

closing remarks


  • 格蕾丝·克里斯滕森,外联/合作团队 
  • 伊丽莎白·科西亚,电子游戏正规平台生助理 
  • Mia Ferguson, Marketing Team 
  • 马赛尔·弗洛雷斯·马瑞娜,营销团队
  • Riley Ford, Marketing Team 
  • 约翰·格曼,外联/合作团队 
  • Kate Hacker, Speaker Team
  • Flora Hepp, Speaker Team
  • 塞西莉亚·佩特里康,外联/合作团队
  • 演讲者团队的凯特琳·斯帕克斯
  • Olivia Tobin, Logistics Team
  • Ericka Viquez-Brenes,后勤组
  • 凯特琳·沃尔夫斯塔特,后勤组


Keynote Speaker

Brittany Packnett

Brittany Packnett

Brittany Packnett is a leader at the intersection of culture and justice. Cited by President Barack Obama as a leader whose "voice is going to be making a difference for years to come,布列塔尼是一位毫无歉意的教育家, organizer, and writer. 她是即将出版的新书的作者, We Are Like Those Who Dream与One World/企鹅兰登书屋合作.

在社交媒体上被称为@MsPackyetti, Brittany is a policy expert, non-profit executive, and teacher. 布列塔尼将自己的生活和事业奉献给了正义. 她目前扮演了许多角色,都是关于自由的.



Makayla Davis

Makayla Davis

Natana J. DeLong-Bas

Natana J. DeLong-Bas

Marwa Eltahir

Marwa Eltahir

Nicole Greene

Nicole Greene

Amanda Kuron

Amanda Kuron

Ellice Patterson

Ellice Patterson

Caroline Portu

Caroline Portu

Shannon Reidy Nichols

Shannon Reidy Nichols

Mitra Shavarini

Mitra Shavarini

Julianne Smith

Julianne Smith

Mary Troxell

Mary Troxell

Reagan Whippen

Reagan Whippen

 Catherine Wong

 Catherine Wong


Women's Summit Planning Team

Amaka Nnaeto: Team Director, Caitlyn Spuckes:演讲者联合主管, 卡姆·菲舍尔:演讲者联合主任, 格蕾丝·克里斯滕森:物流部联席主任, 伊丽莎白·科西亚:物流部联席主管, Cecelia Petricone:营销/外联联合总监, Tomi Oyinloye:营销/推广联合总监, Sam Goober: Graduate Advisor, Katie Dalton, 妇女中心主任兼顾问


Saturday, February 1, 2020


8:30–9:15 a.m.

Breakfast in the Heights Room


9–9:30 a.m. 


Robsham Theater

9:45–10:45 a.m. 

Welcome & Keynote Address

Britney Packett

11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Workshop I

Fulton Hall

12–12:30 p.m.

Lunch Pick-up

Fulton Honors Library

12:30–1:30 p.m.

Workshop II

Fulton Hall

1:40–2:40 p.m.

Mainstage Conversations

Robsham戏剧艺术中心或Heights Room

2:45–3:00 p.m.


Robsham Theater


Mainstage Conversations


Keynote Speaker

Sarah Kay

Sarah Kay

Kay is a well-known and well-respected slam poet who gained national recognition for her 2011 TEDTalk, “If I Should Have a Daughter,,她在演讲中谈到了女性赋权和表达的问题. She is a graduate of Brown University and the founder and co-director of Project VOICE, a program that uses performances and workshops to improve literacy and empowerment in elementary and middle school classrooms across the country.





Tiziana Dearing

Tiziana Dearing

Professor for Macro Practice
BC School of Social Work

Helen Ha

Helen Ha

Academic Advising Center
Boston College

Jocelyn Gates

Jocelyn Gates

Boston College

Régine Jean-Charles

Régine Jean-Charles

罗曼语系副教授 & Literatures; African and African Diaspora Studies
Boston College

Kelli Armstrong

Kelli Armstrong

Boston College

Joy Moore

Joy Moore

Boston College

Rachel DiBella

Rachel DiBella


Claire Geruson

Claire Geruson

Clinical Therapist
Fenway Health

Lori Harrison-Kahan

Lori Harrison-Kahan

Boston College

Akua Sarr

Akua Sarr

Boston College

Stephanie Clark

Stephanie Clark

Executive Director
Amirah Boston

Raquel Lachman

Raquel "Rocky" Lachman

Brand Marketing Executive

Cherie McGill

Cherie McGill

Boston College

Jaclyn Newns

Jaclyn Newns

Saint Joseph's University

Kate Haughton

Kate Haughton

市场营销执行总监 & Communications
BC University Advancement


The seminar is the most creative and intimate speaking platform of the Summit. During this time, attendees will have 50 minutes to hear from and connect with speakers in a more intimate environment. Attendees can choose to go to two seminars from a selection of 10 different seminar topics.



这个工作坊将创造一个学习的空间, reflection and discussion about queer and LGBTQ+ influences in various social movements, 包括美国的“妇女运动”. Participants will learn of important intersectional approaches to current social movements and contemplate their own social locations and motivations for engagement.


With Lori Harrison-Kahan

In this interactive workshop, students will discuss the relationship between feminism and the comic book heroine Wonder Woman. We will look at examples from the original Wonder Woman comic book as well as clips from the recent film starring Gal Gadot. The speaker will discuss the connection between her childhood experiences watching the Wonder Woman television show starring Lynda Carter and her current work as a feminist scholar who recovers forgotten women writers. We will establish criteria for evaluating whether or not pop culture is feminist and discuss existing criteria, such as the Bechdel Test. Ultimately, 我们不仅会问神奇女侠是否可以被视为女权主义者, but also why we need to take pop culture seriously: how does it shape young women and the ways that they see themselves and gender relations in the future?

Growing Up Ethnic in America

With Akua Sarr

Ethnic difference has a profound effect on personal and social understandings of what it means to be an American. Multicultural literature navigates the complex terrain of race and ethnicity in America. Fiction depicts a variety of experiences and suggests that what constitutes an American identity is far from settled. A discussion of the literature invites students to share their own personal narratives - stories of race, ethnicity, class, gender, faith, and nationality - to further uncover what it means to be “ethnic” in America.


With Sarah Kay

莎拉·凯(Sarah Kay)领导了一个亲密的口头诗歌实践工作坊, leaving participants with the tools they need to write and perform their own work. This crash course is designed to give participants an opportunity to whet their palates and dip their toes in the pool of Spoken Word Poetry. 萨拉的教学方法多种多样,包括原创练习, 基于动作的表演技巧, and creative collaboration. Sarah fosters a supportive and safe environment tailored to the participants’ needs—whether beginners, experts, or somewhere in between.‌

Living in Hope, Walking through Darkness: Working in the Anti-trafficking Movement

With Stephanie Clark

性交易是一个我们很难听到的话题, 但是,你能想象把你的一生奉献给根除它吗? Stephanie Clark, Executive Director of Amirah (a leader in the aftercare movement here in New England) is here to share with us about the realities of sex trafficking in New England. 她分享了自己的经历, you will be challenged to think through how you can make an impact in this movement with your own time and talent.

如何看起来光鲜亮丽,对抗父权制, 不要过于强势:双重约束, Controlling Images, and other Gender Traps

With Cherie McGill

The verdict is in, and your body in its natural state is a problem that needs to be solved. 你的个性也需要改进. 不过别担心,有一个解决办法! 你的头发是太多还是不够? 也许只是放错地方了? 你的大腿间距是太大还是太小? 你的唇彩是太醒目了,还是不够醒目? Maybe it's too matte. 或者,太哑光了,不适合你奇怪的薄嘴唇? 好消息,我们可以解决这个问题! Now that you're looking great, are you too assertive, or not assertive enough? 也许你的声音太刺耳了? Or, too soft? 你是太友好了,还是不够友好? 也许是你的肢体语言出了问题? Don't worry! We can fix all of that, too! It's easy! Just take all the time, 你可以把精力和金钱投入到工作中, sleep, or fun, 用它来思考, research, try, buy, apply, scrutinize, work on, 纠结于你的外表和个性. 或者,你可以参加这个研讨会. 我们会谈到双重约束, double-standards, 控制形象和其他旨在让女性安分守己的陷阱.


With Kate Haughton

为了找到个人和职业上的成就感, 你必须首先找到你的目标,拥有自己的声音. But how do you do that? 你怎么知道该走哪条路,你是否走对了? How do you find the courage to communicate powerfully and authoritatively? In this workshop, 学生将听到演讲者的个人故事, 基于她在企业界的亲身经历. They’ll hear how in the midst of her for-profit work she found clues that unveiled her deeper non-profit vocation. They’ll also learn how her formative BC education and commitment to discernment played a key role in her decision to answer the call to return to her BC roots. Students will come away from this workshop with 10 practical approaches to:

  • 找一个他们热爱的职业
  • 让自己与众不同,加速职业成功
  • 认识到他们的许多惊人的才能,并充满信心地分享它们
  • Stay grounded and humble


With Jaclyn Newns

自我意识是必要的, daily practice that encourages us bring our best selves forward in personal and professional realms. This creative workshop will use photography as a tool for personal reflection. Participants will slow down, gather insight from images and name concrete ways to steer their life forward with intention and purpose.


Mainstage Conversation

The main stage conversation is a discussion-based format that weaves the stories of two prominent women. 这些故事试图以赋予妇女权力为主题, 职业和韧性的故事. 与会者可以选择进入一个主舞台对话.



通过分享个人故事, this group of highly accomplished working mothers will aim to address the challenges associated with navigating a career and a family. Additionally, this conversation will explore societal pressures that can impact the choices women make. 



电子游戏软件两位排名最高的女性领导, this main stage conversation will provide an interactive look at how to develop your own leadership philosophy. 对话将探讨各种有效的领导风格, 尤其是成为耶稣会的领袖意味着什么, Catholic context and the importance of developing a diverse community through leadership. Learn how to examine your own strengths as you hear from two women who have made their mark as strong leaders in the BC community and beyond.

Planning Team

Amaka Nnaeto: Team Director

Caitlyn Spuckes:演讲者联合主管




Cecelia Petricone:营销/外联联合总监

Tomi Oyinloye:营销/推广联合总监

Sam Goober: Graduate Advisor