Eagle Exchange是一个互动虚拟平台,促进学生和电子游戏软件校友之间的联系. You can use Eagle Exchange to build your professional network, ask career-related questions, find alumni mentors, apply to projects to build skills, and more. It is up to you to make the most of your Eagle Exchange account. The guide below will help you get started.

How To Guide

Complete Your Profile

Set yourself up for success by completing your profile. 当你开始与校友联系时,你会想给他们留下好印象. This process is similar to creating a LinkedIn profile.

How to:

  • 通过点击您的个人资料右上角的圆圈来定制您的个人资料. Scroll down and click on “my profile”.
  • Complete all sections of your profile, including work experience, courses, extracurricular activities, and more. Add a photo and summary to help your profile stand out. 
  • Eagle Exchange将根据你的喜好为你推荐校友. 
  • 就像你的简历和LinkedIn个人资料一样,确保你的个人资料是最新的.

Visit Eagle Exchange


Profile Picture: 

我们强烈建议您将个人资料图片作为您Eagle Exchange个人资料的一部分. 有头像的学生的参与度是没有头像的学生的3-4倍.

If you don't want to include a picture of yourself, please consider one of our professional, class-year options:

Tips for Summary Section: 

The summary is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your brand. 在这里你可以描述你自己(你学习什么,你的兴趣是什么,等等).) and your goals for using the platform (to find a mentor, to learn more about a certain industry, etc). When writing your summary, it is important to remember the audience. Use shorter blocks of text and bulleted lists where appropriate. To make a strong first impression, 确保你的摘要语法正确,没有打字错误. 


If you have questions about Eagle Exchange, email us at eagleexchange@azarnewsonline.com or visit us during drop-in hours. 

Find a Mentor

The key to success on Eagle Exchange is actively reaching out to alumni. You have access to search for and message any alum on the platform. 然而,校友没有机会搜索和联系作为学生的你. Therefore, it is up to you to send the first message.

How to:

  • Go to the “Explore the Community” tab to view a list of alumni on the platform. 
  • Use the filters to narrow down your search. You can filter by industry, major, class year, and more. 根据您正在寻找的帮助,您还可以根据帮助主题进行筛选. 
  • 一旦你找到一个有趣的校友,点击他们的个人资料中的消息按钮. 你可以制作自己的信息,或者选择一个预先写好的模板,让它成为你自己的. 
  • You can choose to request a meeting or simply send a message. If you do request a meeting, 你需要选择一个你想讨论的话题,并决定你想如何见面(电话), video, etc.). 
  • Click send and monitor your email to wait for a reply. Eagle Exchange will prompt alumni to respond to you within a timely manner. 
  • You may come across an alum that you are not able to send a message to. 校友可以根据他们一次能够帮助的学生数量来设定配额. If you find you can’t send a message, the alum is at their quota. You will need to wait a week or two before messaging them.

Find a Mentor

Alumni are waiting to hear from you!

校友加入Eagle Exchange是因为他们想帮助在校学生. We recommend you reach out to at least 3 alumni per month. Possible topics of discussion include: 

  • General advice and networking
  • Choosing a major
  • Graduate or professional school
  • Identifying skills
  • Identity in the workplace
  • Mock interviewing
  • Resume critique
  • Work/life balance

Join a Group

Groups allow you to connect with others who share your interests. You can join a group to access select resources, network with members, and participate in group discussions.

How to:

  • Go to the “Groups tab to view a list of all the groups. Eagle Exchange有身份认同和共同兴趣的小组,也有各种职业集群.
  • Join any group that interests you. Within each group, you can view members, resources, and a discussion board.

View Groups

Participate in a Discussion

讨论板是一个你可以向别人学习或分享知识的地方. Use the discussion board to ask questions (anonymously or as yourself), answer questions, and browse existing questions and answers.

How to:

  • Go to the “Discussion” tab. 通过在讨论提要顶部的框中键入一个问题添加到讨论提要. Check the “Post anonymously” box if you want to post anonymously; the default is posting as yourself.
  • Scroll through the discussion feed to see questions. 如果你对某个特定的话题或人物感兴趣,可以使用右上方的搜索框. Answer a question by clicking in the text field below the question.

View Discussion Board


Professional Code of Conduct

As an Eagle Exchange user, 我明白我与Eagle Exchange其他会员的沟通是为了体现相互尊重, civility, and other moral standards. Therefore, Eagle Exchange用户禁止从事以下行为和行为:

  • Use of offensive, rude, obscene, 和/或不宽容的语言和使用类似的攻击性图形或视频图像.
  • 制造或发送滋扰、骚扰或淫秽的材料或信息.
  • 销售任何产品或服务,募集捐款,或为政治候选人游说.

Professional Responsibility Agreement 

作为Eagle Exchange平台指导/网络项目的参与者, 我正准备建立专业的人际网络,并将遵守高道德标准和责任. 我认识到鹰交易所和电子游戏软件对自己和他们的选民保持着最高水平的职业操守和社会责任. I understand and agree to the policies and principles below, 为了保证我在平台上与他人互动时的专业性/个性,建立了哪些机制.

Honesty & Integrity:

我知道我的行为会影响到我、其他参与者和电子游戏软件. 我将提供准确的信息在所有材料和行动在我的网络, communications, 以及与职业相关的活动,同时与电子游戏软件社区的人进行校内或校外的互动.

Professional Code of Conduct:

I will communicate and present myself professionally, while being courteous/respectful in my interactions (in person, in writing, by phone, video chat or email) and will:

  • 管理/监控我的数字身份内容(包括文字、语音、图片). 这包括确保我的语音信箱和电子邮件地址是专业的,并尽合理努力删除专业人士可能认为不适当或不专业的材料.
  • 接听电话、邮件和邀请,并及时做出适当的回应.
  • Attend all scheduled one-on-one interactions with other participants. I will provide two business days’ notice for any cancellation, if possible.

Networking Terms & Conditions:

除了遵守专业责任协议中的政策和原则外, I will abide by the following:

Do’s & Don’ts

  • Do ask for advice, information, and other contacts 
  • Don’t 在与联系人建立联系后,一定要发一封简短的感谢信或电子邮件
  • Don’t expect networking contacts to automatically share their network contacts 
  • Do follow up with contact 
  • Don’t spam a contact with multiple emails or stalk with multiple phone calls

Consequences of Inappropriate Behavior:

  • Removal from the program

Sharing of Student Data

  • I understand that by joining this site, 根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA),我选择与其他社区成员分享某些个人资料数据,这些数据可能被视为我教育记录的一部分。. 我已经审查了我的个人资料和相关数据,并同意这些数据将被共享.
  • 部分或所有程序管理员将能够查看我添加到我的个人资料中的所有信息以及我通过平台发送的所有通信.

Why Use Eagle Exchange

[My Alumni Mentor] was so willing to offer me honest advice, get to know me on a deeper, personal level and was incredibly easy to talk to! 我和她立刻产生了共鸣,我们的谈话非常真诚. 她向我提供了帮助,告诉我如何最好地迈出下一步,并为我提供了进一步的联系,以扩大我的知识.
Eagle Exchange Student User
[My Alumni Mentor] was very helpful and encouraged me to discover my path. He was not only helpful in informing me of his own work, 还因为他愿意看我的简历,并在未来联系我.
Eagle Exchange Student User
[我的校友导师]给了我很棒的建议,并为我提供了宝贵的资源和机会(在她自己的公司里). She even offered to write me a future letter of recommendation!
Eagle Exchange Student User