一位牧师兼心理学家在耶稣会传教了60年,他的回忆录, teaching, 领先的学术和非营利组织将包括许多重要人物和事件的故事.  

The new memoir by Boston College Jesuit Walter J. 然而,史密斯给读者带来了一个意想不到的好处:这也是一本重要的烹饪书.

In addition to his wide-ranging career as a clinician, consultant, professor, department chair, dean, chancellor, trustee, and chief executive officer, Fr. 史密斯目前在神学与事工学院任教,他是一位技艺高超的厨师. His  book, Faith, Food, & Friendship: Reflections and Recipes from a Jesuit’s Abundant Life,充满了175精心制作的经典,原创或改编的食谱,所有这些都来自 dal chawal, an Indian dish once recommended to him by Mother Teresa, 从曼哈顿标志性的地下酒吧变成餐厅后流行的“21”汉堡,在某种程度上反映了他准备和品尝世界各地美食的经历.

Though he describes his fascination with the culinary arts as "lifelong," the interest was not sparked by his upbringing.

“我在南波士顿一个第二代爱尔兰裔美国家庭长大 ate but rarely dined, it is remarkable that I developed any interest at all," Fr. Smith said. 但我妈妈说,我从小就对烹饪和烘焙很好奇. Call it innate or simply a child’s budding curiosity, 在我的生活中,对食材的吸引力以及将它们组合在一起的方法早有先例."

"Serendipity, curiosity, and boldness"

他在工人阶级社区长大,在电子游戏软件高中和电子游戏软件接受耶稣会士的教育, Fr. Smith joined the order in 1962, and was ordained 10 years later. He holds degrees in philosophy, theology, French language and literature, 以及咨询和临床心理学——他的烹饪能力也有着令人印象深刻的教育背景:20世纪60年代他在巴黎索邦大学学习时, he completed training at Le Cordon Bleu, 被誉为世界上最严格、最全面的经典法国技术课程.

如此高水平的烹饪入门源于他所谓的“意外发现”, curiosity, and boldness."

“我当时住在索邦大学(Sorbonne)附近的耶稣会社区,我正在那里完成电子游戏正规平台生课程," he said, 我想知道蓝带是否会允许像我这样的新手和非专业厨师旁听他们的基本方法和技术课程. I walked in off the street and asked to speak with the director. It was as simple as that. In life, if one is prepared for the answer 'no,' it’s amazing how many things unimagined can happen, and how often the answer surprisingly may be 'yes.'"

Walter Smith, S.J.

“回顾我一生的发现,我可以肯定,上帝不会吝啬好东西. There has been plenty of butter and heavy cream, truffles and saffron, aceto balsamico, and jamón ibérico de bellota.”—Walter J. Smith, S.J., 穿着厨师外套,戴着行政厨师帽,在左边的柜台上, in the kitchen of St. Mary's Hall. (Photo by Harvey Egan, S.J.)

Global gastronomy

后来,当他在罗马教书并担任梵蒂冈的心理顾问时,神父. Smith immersed himself in learning about regional Italian food and wine. Subsequent travel in Europe, Asia, Central and South America, and the Middle East—related to Jesuit missions, international conferences, 或者他在游轮上广泛的海上军事牧师工作——扩大了他的烹饪知识和技能.

Faith, Food, and Friendship offers a rich menu of stories related to each included recipe. Tortellini alla Papalina, for example, traces its modern origins to Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli), who was from an aristocratic Roman family. 据称,教皇曾要求他的厨师用罗马原料做一道意大利面,而且是原汁原味的," Fr. Smith said. "This dish was the result, 我从一个拥有并经营一家小餐馆的家庭那里学到了第一手资料, located very near the Jesuit-run Gregorian University in Rome."

Other recipes also relate to personal interactions.

1975年,他在罗马的第三年——耶稣会士最后的形成时期. Smith’s director, Fr. Edward Malatesta, S.J., 请他为托尔菲斯卡郊区的一小群仁爱传教会的新手提供一系列的三场晚间讲座和庆祝弥撒. 

“On the first evening when I arrived at the novitiate, 社区的长老向我打招呼,告诉我加尔各答的特蕾莎修女那天已经到了,希望和新手一起参加三堂," Fr. Smith recalled. "Mother Teresa was not a foodie, 但她确实告诉我,她母亲经常说,一个人如果不与另一个人分享,就永远不会享受一顿饭. 当我问她喜欢分享什么时,她谈到了一道简单的菜 dal chawal这是一道印度小扁豆配米饭,后来我电子游戏正规平台并学会了做这道菜.”

In keeping with his philosophy of being prepared for the answer 'no,' but asking anyway, one of his inquiries uncovered the secret to a crowd favorite.

"During my 26 years as the CEO of a healthcare nonprofit organization, I became friends with many ‘movers and shakers’ in the city," said Fr. Smith, who is a recognized clinical specialist in palliative and end-of-life care, the author of two award-winning books in the field, 并在纽约市领导了世界上最大的临床牧养教育培训和电子游戏正规平台中心.

其中一位是马蒂·利普顿(Marty Lipton),他是Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen律师事务所的同名法律合伙人 & Katz, who for many years was chair of the board of New York University. 他的律师事务所就在著名的地标餐厅“21”的街尾.  马蒂和我偶尔会在那里共进午餐,他总是会点一份隐藏的快乐——21 Club House汉堡——尽管他的妻子和心脏病专家知道了会不寒而栗," Fr. Smith said. "I was able to persuade the chef to teach me how that burger was made. 它丰富的秘诀是在烤肉饼之前插入大量的复合草药黄油."

Don't forget the chocolate

Following four decades of work, travel, and culinary appreciation, Fr. Smith joined the Boston College Jesuit community in 2020, 目前在威斯顿耶稣会神学院(原威斯顿耶稣会神学院)教授终身教牧关怀和咨询课程, of which he was once dean).

他也是麻省总医院(Mass General Brigham Newton-Wellesley Hospital)姑息治疗和劳动力发展咨询委员会的成员, a commissioner of Age-Friendly Boston, has served as a director on the boards of national health, spiritual care, legal, advocacy, and higher education institutions, and consults and lectures nationally and internationally.

And. yes, he still cooks at any opportunity.

“我的很多朋友不请我吃饭,他们请我做饭,”他说. "In the book, 我讲述了一些这样的事件,我为12位客人制作了一份菜单,做了一顿5道菜的大餐. I'm often the principal holiday chef for large extended family gatherings, 在我担任坎皮恩中心(韦斯顿的耶稣会退休社区)的主管期间, Mass.], I regularly cooked meals for groups of Jesuits."

Does he have a favorite dish?

"Truthfully, I don’t, 但我发现自己做饭或吃饭时最喜欢意大利菜, and to French recipes when I bake. The recipes in the book not only are linked to people and events, 但它们反映了我一生对经典法国菜和意大利地方菜的迷恋和热爱.  

“我喜欢创造性地排列和组合意大利面酱和各种意大利面, polenta, and rice. I seem never to weary of exploring novel ways to cook chicken or seafood. And, like [New York French pastry chef and chocolatier] Jacques Torres, there isn't anything chocolate that I don’t like to prepare or eat."

Faith, Food, & Friendship: Reflections and Recipes from a Jesuit's Abundant Life is available on Amazon.

Patricia Delaney | University Communications | January 2023