Tuition & Fees


大学保留在其认为必要的任何时候纠正印刷错误或调整学杂费时间表的权利. 电子游戏软件的受托人保留在必要时改变学费费率和在大学内收取额外费用的权利.

电子游戏软件 is committed to providing information in a manner that is accessible to all. If you are in need of a printed copy of the material presented on this web page, please contact the 学生服务办公室.



学费不包括实验室费用, 教科书, 或其他特定课程所需材料. 在一般情况下, 全日制电子游戏正规平台生和本科生应该预计课本和课程用品的费用为1美元,300–$2,一学年200美元. Textbook costs for specific courses can be found on the website of the 电子游戏软件 Bookstore.

Students taking zero credit courses are still subject to mandatory fees.

试图在少于8个完整学年的学期内加速毕业的本科生需要支付额外的费用. 了解更多信息, 查看毕业典礼, 免修, and Acceleration section of the 本科 Academic Regulations on the 大学目录:政策和程序 page.




Matriculated students at 电子游戏软件 are individually, 就我个人而言, 并主要负责向大学支付所有学费和其他与电子游戏软件、住宿和食物有关的费用. 这项义务也适用于因课程安排调整而产生的任何额外学费和费用. 学生仍然要按照大学的政策负责他们注册的课程的学费和费用, including any classes for which they have been withdrawn, 被撤销, failed, 或者没有出席. 学生必须正式退出任何/所有课程,他们没有参加在一个特定的学期. 除非学生按照大学目录中学生服务办公室公布的退课时间表和程序退课,否则学生将不被免除支付学费的责任.

所有帐单都以电子方式发送. 有关如何获取学生账单和相关账户信息的信息可在学生服务办公室网站上找到, 包括在 Students are responsible for reviewing their billing statements, making payments by the due date stated in the billing statement, 并及时通知大学学生服务办公室任何错误或差异. 学生可以授权家长, guardians or others to view their statements and pay on their behalf, 但是每个学生都应该保持独立, 就我个人而言 and primarily responsible for the payment of all amounts charged to their accounts. There may be a $150 late payment fee assessed to unresolved accounts by the due date. 学生还将收取25美元的费用.00 for a returned check or returned electronic payment ($65 for any returned item over $2,000).  

如果学生的账户出现拖欠或未能遵守电子游戏软件批准的付款计划, 那么电子游戏软件就可以让该学生退学, 学生的成绩单和文凭将保留, 拒绝使用大学的服务, 包括注册, dining, 宿舍选择, library, 出国旅游及娱乐服务.

如果学生的账户出现拖欠,或者学生未能遵守电子游戏软件批准的付款计划,将拖欠的账户变为当前账户, 电子游戏软件 may refer the student’s delinquent account to a collection agency, attorney or other third party that provides collection-related services. 此外,学生有责任在转介收集相关服务之前支付帐户上的任何到期金额, the student shall be responsible for (a) paying any and all collection-related fees, which may be based on a percentage of a student’s delinquent account balance, 只要该百分比不超过40%, 以及(b)支付与收回学生拖欠帐户有关的任何及所有费用, including without limitation court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees. 大学, 或者它的代理, may also report a student’s account delinquency to one or more of the national credit bureaus.


通过注册电子游戏软件的课程, 学生授权电子游戏软件及其代理和承包商通过任何当前或未来的电话号码与学生联系。, 电子邮件地址和无线设备,有关学生的帐户和/或欠电子游戏软件的任何款项. 学生还授权电子游戏软件及其代理和承包商使用自动电话拨号设备, 人工的或预先录制的声音或文字信息, 私人电话和电子邮件, 在他们努力联系我的时候. 学生也同意电子游戏软件, 或者它的附属机构, agents, 服务提供商, 为了保证质量和/或其他原因,记录有关学生账户的电话.






Tuition is canceled subject to the following conditions:

  • Notice of withdrawal must be made in writing to the dean of the student's school.
  • 院长办公室收到书面退学通知的日期决定了取消的学费数额.

The cancellation schedule that follows will apply to students withdrawing voluntarily, as well as to students who are dismissed from the University for academic or disciplinary reasons. 一个辍学的学生, 退课或不参加部分或全部的课程,学生将根据以下退款时间表负责支付全部或部分学杂费. 学生旷课不能免除学生在此所述的经济责任.




如果学生不希望在他或她的账户上留下任何信用余额供以后使用, 他或她应该要求退款 (“申请退款学生帐户”). 如果学生有信用余额作为联邦援助的结果,他或她不要求退款, 大学将, 两周内, 将信用余额发送到他/她的本地地址.

联邦法规建立了适用于退款处理的程序指导方针,无论学生是通过1965年《电子游戏软件》第四章授权的任何计划获得经济援助的. 这些指导方针与联邦佩尔助学金有关, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, 联邦大学勤工俭学, 以及联邦斯塔福德和PLUS贷款. 在这种情况下, the regulations require that a portion of any refund be returned according to federal guidelines. Further, 如果学生退学, the institution must determine if any cash disbursement of Title IV funds, made directly to the student by the institution for non-instructional purposes, is an overpayment that must be repaid to the Title IV program. 根据电子游戏软件的规定制定的大学政策将根据学生服务办公室的要求提供.


一旦课程正式开始, 您必须在特定夏季学期的添加/删除截止日期之前在EagleApps中删除课程并获得100%退款. After the add/drop deadline, there is no cancellation of tuition for withdrawing from a course. 在规定的加/退截止日期之后,学生将被要求支付课程的全部费用.

To view the add/drop deadline for your term, visit the 校历 page.


电子游戏软件很高兴为学生提供一种帮助保护他们在大学教育中大量财务投资的方法. The 学费保险计划 is an optional private insurance plan offered through Dewar, Inc. that assures subscribers who withdraw for illness or accident a refund throughout the semester, even if 电子游戏软件's own refund policy has expired.

For costs, benefit levels, further information, or an application form, visit 杜瓦的网站 或致电617-774-1555或